Rotten Hand

"Mom, can you help me plug in the charging cable of the pad?" The patient who had four severed fingers, Qi Leqiu, changed into a new set of clothes and binge-watched her drama series, her mind at ease.

Qi Leqiu's mother could not stop her daughter from staring at her mobile phone. She could only lessen the strain on her eyes by giving her a larger screen to look at. At this moment, as she tugged the cable, she said in a displeased manner, "Today's only the third day after the surgery. Look at the others, they are all resting. You are the only one watching TV, and you did not stop watching from morning till night. If you continue like this, what would you do if you went blind? "

"Mom... Don't talk about other people. Isn't it important to be in a good mood after the surgery? I'll be in a good mood if you let me binge watch the shows I missed. Isn't it better for postoperative recovery if I am in a good mood?