Red Lips

"The bone is soft."

"The periosteum is quite tough, don't we need to peel it off?"

"Generally, people peel it off, but we don't do that here."


Zuo Cidian grabbed a rib and bit it with all his strength like a husky biting down on a bone.

Yu Yuan used her small hands, which were suitable for pulling out appendices and also aiding in obstructed labor, to hold the rib. Then, she bit down lightly with her teeth, which were suitable for cracking open pine nuts, to yank the meat off.

Ling Ran's actions were more normal. He grabbed the rib with one hand and bit one side of the meat with his teeth. Then, he tore off a big chunk from it. He chewed vigorously before he swallowed. 

"It tastes quite good even if we don't peel the periosteum off." Ling Ran praised and gave it a thumbs up.