
Huo Congjun stood at the entrance of the Emergency Medical Center, which was halfway through renovation. He opened his arms wide to welcome guests from all over the city.

Below him, a banner with [The Symposium of Emergency Medicine of Yun Hua City] written on it was hung on the third floor, and there were even tassels attached to the bottom of the banner.

All the industry's insiders with good sense knew that municipal level symposiums as such were merely occasions where subpar doctors chat with one another. Even upscale pharmaceutical sales representatives did not like to attend such symposiums, especially ones related to emergency medicine. If the symposium were on orthopedics, dentistry, or cardiology, they might still be able to sell some equipment and medicine...

However, Huo Congjun did not care about this.

What he cared about was the plaque beside him—The Emergency Medical Center of Yun Hua Hospital.