Speed Forward

Ling Ran stayed in the Third People's Hospital of Yun Hua City for four days and performed forty-five knee arthroscopic meniscoplasty surgeries in total. Only then was he done with his out-of-hospital consultation trip.

Throughout these four days, the staff members of the Third People's Hospital of Yun Hua City also got to witness the skills of the renowned Doctor Ling Ran from Yun Hua Hospital.

"Doctor Ling relieved forty-five patients of their misery, which means that he also relieved forty-five families of their misery. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of all the patients and their family members." Fu Yuanduan, the associate director of the Third People's Hospital held the silk banner that he had already prepared beforehand. He handed it to Ling Ran using both hands and took a photograph with him to commemorate the moment.

The one who took the photograph was a reporter from Yun Hua Daily that the Third People's Hospital hired.