
When they heard what Ling Ran had just said, Ma Yanlin, Wang Jia, and Su Jiafu subconsciously puffed out their chests and became completely focused.

By the time Professor Huang raised his head and stretched his neck to take a rest, Ma Yanlin's gaze was as firm as a soldier defending the border of a snowy mountain.

There was a thing called imposing mannerisms in humans.

People with imposing mannerisms were sharp like scalpels, tough like a surgical nails, and durable like surgical steel panels. They had strong confidence and self-motivation that normal people could not understand, and they were able to complete tasks normal people could not imagine. 

Since Professor Huang was good at trauma care, he always met people with strong, imposing mannerisms who were just like the soldiers defending the borders on snowy mountains. Professor Huang saw them in his eyes and even came upon them personally before.