Old and Fat Cheetah with a Large Belly

Elder Mei looked a little fierce, and he was also a little fat.

The hair on his head was white, and the flesh covering the tip of his nose appeared thick and muscular. His chin was slightly jutted out, giving him an air of stubbornness.

His neck, shoulders, arms, and belly was also covered with a thick layer of fat. Ling Ran paid special attention to his belly. He was thinking about how an endotherm knife would not be suitable on Elder Mei.

The endotherm knife was a miraculous invention, and when used on ordinary people, a few slashes was all it took to make an incision as deep as the anterior rectus sheath without causing any bleeding. But if a doctor were to use endotherm knives when performing laparotomy on fat people, especially those whose belly was covered with such a thick layer of adipose tissue, it would take forever for them to make an incision on low power, while the adipose layer might melt if the power was too high...