Clean Cut

While Mei Tiangui was still conflicted, Su Jiafu ran over with small and brisk steps. 

"Mister Mei, you asked for me?" Su Jiafu stood outside the door politely.

"Oh, you're the anesthetist, Su Jiafu." Mei Tiangui stood up. It was because he wanted to escape from the weird atmosphere.

"Yes." Su Jiafu wore a smile on his face.

"Has Doctor Jin told you?" Mei Tiangui asked.


"Okay, have a seat. Let's listen to Doctor Ma's requests." Mei Tiangui touched his forehead a little tiredly. 

"Oh." Su Jiafu was a little skeptical as he sat on the other side. 

Mei Tiangui coughed and said, "Doctor Ma?"

Ma Yanlin already had his request ready a long time ago. There was a smile on his pale face as he asked, "Can you send my wife for advanced studies? It'll be better if the course has a few stages."

Mei Tiangui felt his spirits lift. 'That's right, this is what a doctor should ask for.'