See Through

Zuo Cidian had frequented the Shao family's restaurant as of late.

He had the lightest workload in Ling Ran's treatment group compared to the other members. Now that he was a bachelor again, he often came to the Shao family's restaurant when he was free.

Of course, the doctors' free time in Ling Ran's treatment group was usually calculated in hours.

Zuo Cidian got off work forty minutes earlier than usual and went to the Shao family's restaurant. The first dish he desired was the popular bamboo rat dish, and he ordered some side dishes. He saw Boss Shao come in from the back door with a welcoming smile.

"Boss Shao, I haven't seen you in two weeks. Where have you been?" Zuo Cidian greeted him in a half-teasing manner. 

Boss Shao said with a smile, "I lived in the hospital and stayed in the General Surgery Department."

"You were hospitalized again? What's wrong?"