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Yun Hua City had already started bustling with activity early in the morning.

Sister Dong was also becoming more excited in the treatment room.

She muttered as she gazed at Ling Ran, who was guiding Miao Tansheng in performing intradermal suture, "Could it be that Guan Yu felt no pain when he was having poison scraped off his bones because of how good looking Hua Tuo is?" [1]

"I'm the one suturing your wounds right now." Miao Tansheng chuckled.

Sister Dong naturally looked at Miao Tansheng when she heard what he said and immediately furrowed her eyebrows, "Can you not be such a party pooper?"

Miao Tansheng narrowed his puffy eyes in annoyance, and he almost jabbed the surgical needle into Sister Dong's palm.