Ordering Alcohol

Guo Liqing looked calm and steady in the operating theater while he worked quickly. He said, "All of you only know one side of the story."

"What's the other side of the story?" the department director of the Orthopedics Department asked.

"Do you know why people always do two or three plastic surgeries instead of one?" Guo Liqing raised his head to glance around him before he lowered his head to continue suturing the ureter.

The department director of the Orthopedics Department laughed and said, "Do you want to say that you have performed plastic surgery on yourself?"

"The process does not mean anything, but the result is meaningful," Guo Liqing calmly said, "I dare say I am the best looking, do you all dare?"

When he said this, Guo Liqing sounded very firm.