It’s a Small but Wonderful World

Since Ling Ran was neither in a rush to carry out surgeries nor in a rush to make ward rounds, he did not need to head out early for work.

That was something only associate chief physicians and those ranked above them enjoyed. Doctors with their own treatment groups were akin to military officers who led their own regiments. They got to carry out daily practices whichever way they wanted to.

By the time he was done showering, brushing his teeth, and washing his hands with soap, the chefs downstairs had laid out all of the prepared food on the table and disappeared like true soldiers.

Mister Jin got extremely excited just from watching those chefs, and by the time he moved next to the short and plump Ling Jiezhou, he felt as if he was two inches shorter than the other party. He asked in curiosity, "Sir, did you use to live overseas?"

"No." Ling Jiezhou smiled and asked, "Do you want some food?"