Plan Worked

'It's a double Basic Treasure Chest event, huh?' Ling Ran immediately translated the mission provided by the system, and he did not look interested in the task given. 

The patients and their family members were very sensitive. It was especially so on young people nowadays who knew how to surf on the internet. They had the basic knowledge of questions regarding situations post surgery, including "when is the surgery considered good depending on the days before the patient can get down from bed?" and "what is the normal blood loss rate?"

Most importantly, the patient would have a perceptual understanding of their own body. Of course, they would not have a great knowledge of their body after major surgery, but for a small surgery like cholecystectomy, once the patients finished their surgery, they would have a new understanding of their body. They were also very ingenious when it came to whether they should give Ling Ran Sincere Gratitude Treasure Chests.