
"Doctor Ling, I can see that you're using ASA physical status classification and CPET test before the surgery."

"You even sent the patient for a Doppler ultrasonography, CT scan, and MRI scan beforehand. Doctor Ling, you really play it safe when it comes to preoperative examination."

"You control perioperative bleeding well."

"How do you plan to carry out the patient's post-surgical care in the early stages?"

The tables and chairs in the conference room had been rearranged with Ling Ran sitting at the frontmost to show that everyone in the room had an equal status when it came to the discussion. 

Most of the doctors who came from outside the province had taken up the front seats. They were scrambling for the microphone to ask Ling Ran questions.

Hepatectomy was something many doctors spent all their lives perfecting.