In High Spirits

While Xiang Xueming sat in the ambulance, his expression was calm. He did not look like a student who had just graduated. Instead, he looked like an experienced doctor. 

The Chief of the Water Conservancy Bureau was on the same ambulance. He watched his wife's tightly shut eyes and her injured left arm before he said softly, "Doctor Xiang, there's blood dripping out."

Xiang Xueming took a look and responded softly, "It is alright. Just wait until we arrive at Yun Hua Hospital, and everything will be easily handled." 

"Alright… I'll have to trouble you." Chief Huatao was in his forties. There was a small circle formed between his eyebrows.

The benefit of being stationed in an urban area was that they were close to the locals, which made things easier to handle. They were also relatively comfortable with each other in their lives and their works. The downside would be having a very weak connection to the outside world.