Treating Minor Ailments

Now that the district head was visiting, the staff members of the Cangping District Hospital and Bazhaixiang hospital branch were not the most anxious ones. Instead, the members of the township government of Bazhaixiang were the ones who panicked the most.

An hour after the news broke, a group of sanitation workers appeared and started cleaning up the village. Some of them were also responsible for the hygiene of the hospital.

Whenever a leader came over, spring cleaning seemed to be a politically correct move.

The doctors of Yun Hua Hospital who were here for a volunteer medical consultation, the patients and the patients' family members did not really care about what was going on. They watched on with interest.

The presence of the district head did not really concern ordinary people. Patients only cared that their ailments were cured. Most people did not even know what role the district head played.