
As he looked at the blood in the abdominal cavity, Fang Pingzhu asked Ling Ran, "How are you going to suture this?"

"I will use the B-Lynch suture," said Ling Ran. It was a special suturing skill for wombs. It was easy to handle and able to stop hemorrhages as well as safeguard the fertility function of the womb.

Ling Ran had only taught himself about the skill and had not practiced it or obtained related experiences and skills from the system.

However, Ling Ran's skills in suturing were enough to cover his unfamiliarity with the procedure.

It was not a complicated suture method, but the idea was quite clever. With Ling Ran's Master Level Simple Interrupted Suture Technique, it was very simple to perform the related processes.

Fang Pingzhu did not doubt Ling Ran's ability to perform the B-Lynch suture. As long as a doctor could name the suture and was not a newbie, he or she could carry out the suture properly.