The Biggest Advantage

Ling Ran read Qi Yuquan's scans and glanced at his biochemical report. After closing his eyes and thinking about things for a moment, he summoned the Virtual Human again. 

Ling Ran rose and shrugged to exercise his muscles. He then massaged his neck using the Cervical Spine Manipulation technique.

Right after that, he saw that the simulation of Qi Yuquan's body had appeared before him in a supine position. It was glowing with a blue light, which slowly faded.

Ling Ran extended his hand, and it only took one thought from him to summon a scalpel with number 4 handle. Before the blue light even faded completely, Ling Ran made a 20-inch long L-shaped incision on the patient in a flash. Besides, Ling Ran did not bother separating various tissues into layers and directly made a deep cut.