Encountering A Big Shot at the ICU

The next day, Qi Liangpeng went to the airport early to pick up Doctor Xu, then returned to the hospital. It was nine in the morning.

"An early flight really saves time." Qi Liangpeng yawned and tried to find something to talk about.

Doctor Xu Wen gave a non-committal hum that left the other party hanging.

Qi Liangpeng helplessly looked at the rearview mirror.

Doctor Xu gave off the vibe of an intelligent individual. He wore glasses and had lively eyes. He was very attentive to anything that caught his eye. His suit was neatly ironed. If it were not for that pair of protruding ears which ruined his whole appearance, his photo would have looked completely at home on a college registration notice.

Qi Liangpeng spent half of the year in the coal mine, which was why he felt more attracted to people with good hygiene. However, Xu Wenxu did not like talking, which left Qi Liangpeng feeling horrible.