Cordial Surgery

The walls in the operating theater of Beijing University Sixth Hospital were covered in green paint, and the blue draping covered the operating table. 

The anesthetist adjusted the amount of the drugs administered nervously. Today was different from other days where he could handle, amend, or observe the situation carelessly. Many leaders from this hospital would be here in the surgery today. If he ran into a picky one who decided to find fault in his work, the anesthetist would probably have his reputation forever ruined. 

The nurses also checked through many times carefully to prevent anything that might affect the surgery. 

Xu Wen, who hosted the surgery, acted as the first assistant. Sometimes, when he raised his head, he could see Associate Hospital Director Wang leaning against the glass mirror while he peered through the glass of the visitation room excitedly. He also saw the leaders of Beijing University Sixth Hospital.