
Ling Ran sized Zuo Cidian up.

The mission from the system was called "train a rookie". But based on logic, was Zuo Cidian considered a rookie?

Ling Ran reckoned that a medical student who was kept in the storeroom for twenty years was not really considered too old.

After all, being a doctor was not too physically taxing. A person just had to stand for ten hours straight without collapsing, run around for the better part of the day without feeling tired, skip two meals without complaining, stay in the hospital for forty hours without throwing a tantrum to become a qualified doctor. And Zuo Cidian had proved himself worthy by putting on a good performance all the while. Even if you were to compare him to a car that had been kept in the storeroom for a long time, he would be a car that was still in good condition. 

But Ling Ran would need to think long and hard about which skill of Zuo Cidian's to elevate.