The Sea Was Calm

Ling Ran operated on the patient in a leisurely manner.

It was very easy to familiarize oneself with hepatectomy in patients with liver cancer. He had just done so in Beijing for a month, and there were people watching him and learning from him all the time. Hence, not only was Ling Ran working very smoothly, but he was also guiding Lin Honghou very well.

Lin Honghou obediently acted as Ling Ran's assistant.

The operating theater was just like a jungle. After Lin Honghou realized that his skills were far inferior to those of Ling Ran's, he admitted defeat like how dholes submitted to lions. He was willing to eat the lion's leftovers, and he did not dare to challenge the lion the same way dogs did.

It actually did not matter whether he had the guts to challenge the lion, as those who were gutsy would end up dying. This was a very normal thing in society.

However, even though Lin Honghou's body had admitted defeat, his mind refused to submit.