Tissue Separation

"Prepare for the surgery." Ling Ran, now in a fresh pair of underwear, walked into the operating theater with a lightness in his step.

A clean shower room, clean underwear, and clean operating theater was the life for Ling Ran. Even the patient who was lying on the operating table also looked cleaner.

Of course, his liver was full of worms. However, considering the worms were oviparous and they lived in the patient's liver since they were young, then grew, mated, gave birth… To a certain extent, they were the clean type of worms.

When the incision was made, Ling Ran also tried to reduce the blood loss so that he could actually see what he was working on. At the same time, he would use a clean gauze and forceps to stretch the incision open.

For the sake of postoperative recovery, surgeons only exposed the part of the liver meant to be removed.

This was textbook procedure.