Patient and Meticulous

The following day, when Ling Ran returned to the consultation room of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery in the Outpatient Department which was assigned to him, he saw that the nameplate below his name had been changed from basic consultation to specialist consultation.

He Yuanzheng was done protesting. By making Ling Ran give basic consultation for a day, He Yuanzheng's protest was short but sweet. There was also a symbolism to the shortness of the protest, as tyrannys were usually fleeting. This short protest was a public declaration that a protest that was even more violent as well as lengthier was in the works.

Hence, a consultation given by Ling Ran had gone from 5 RMB to 17 RMB. If a person were to round it off, it was kind of equivalent to a price hike of 10,000 RMB.

Now that he was giving specialist consultations, Ling Ran was also looking forward to the kind of patients who would come by.