Hey, Skill Book

*Thud thud thud thud*

At five in the morning, uniformed steps could be heard from the corridor of the Emergency Medical Center. 

The patients and their family members who had already stayed in the hospital for a few days peeped around and started to rouse themselves. 

Fifty-five-year-old Jin Manfen was shaken awake by his wife as well. He wiped his face as his mind remained muddled with sleep, and he heard the familiar complaints around him. 

"Look at you, you just keep sleeping on and on. Didn't our niece tell you to prepare the questions so that when Doctor Ling comes for his ward round later, you'll be able to ask a few more questions than others?"

"Those who have a lot of free time in their hands will sleep like logs. Aren't you embarrassed with yourself?"

"Open your eyes wider. Stop looking like you've worked overtime yesterday. You slept for the whole day yesterday."