Detailed Arrangement

Early in the morning, Captain Chu opened his eyes to see a dog standing before him. 

The dog had bright eyes and shiny white teeth. 

"Who brushed my dog's teeth?" Captain Chu shouted angrily as he sat up straight, his arms supporting him. He shifted his knees. When he found that it no longer hurt as much as before, he could not help but laugh. 

"My son did it," Old Xu came over in a wheelchair, he had an amiable-looking face, "Your dog was sitting so still with my son as he brushed its teeth. My son is so gifted, whew…"

When Captain Chu saw that Old Xu was healthy, he happily retorted. "What's the use of being gifted in dealing with dogs? Why would he brush the dog's teeth? It's not like he's going to kiss it."

"It's a semi-retired dog, it should be happy to have someone brush its teeth," Old Xu retorted with great confidence. 

Captain Chu snorted. "Why isn't your son getting ready for school yet?"