Yellow Lump

"Do sign the informed consent form. After this, we will be giving you a colon cleanse." Ma Yanlin brought an informed consent form over and passed it to the patient, Dou Shan so that he could read it. He then asked, "Where're your family members?"

"They're in the ward." Dou Shan was lying on his back, and he spoke a little arduously.

Ma Yanlin looked around and saw that there were still patients queueing up. "Then, go ahead and sign the form first. I'll inform your family members later. It's just a minor surgery, anyway."

"Can't I go without it? I'm just having a bit of a headache and feeling a little weak. I got caught in the rain yesterday, so I have a fever…" Dou Shan was merely an honest farmer in Bazhaixiang, and he reared a few sows on the side so that he could make money out of the piglets they gave birth to. He did not have medical insurance, and he had no faith in hospitals either. His brain was shutting down at the sound of the word "surgery".