You Managed to Tell, Right

Cai Qiong entered the operating theater of Bazhaixiang hospital branch with disdain.

This disdain was dedicated to Bazhaixiang hospital branch and also to Ling Ran's treatment group.

Naturally, he had heard of Ling Ran's reputation before. In Changxi Province, Ling Ran was known as a celebrity doctor who shocked everyone whenever he decided to do something. And it was precisely because of this that Cai Qiong despised them even more. 

From Cai Qiong's perspective, being a celebrity doctor and being young were both disadvantages.

After all, as a senior attending physician who was older than Zuo Cidian, Cai Qiong had an advantage in terms of experience. When he faced a young doctor, even if said doctor was the leader of a treatment group, Cai Qiong could still proudly say, "When I first became a doctor…" 

Zuo Cidian could sense some of Cai Qiong's thoughts, but he only treated whatever Cai Qiong thought with disdain in his heart.