Carry On

"At least the blood supply in Bazhaixiang is sufficient." Song Shang watched as Ling Ran worked, and he looked for something to talk about.

He was a little worried that Ling Ran would be too much in a rush and ruin things.

Of course, he did not vocalize his feeling of worry. He did not dare to.

As Song Shang was afraid that Ling Ran would be unhappy, he quickly added something irrelevant, "I'm glad that you're here, Doctor Ling because, in a place like Bazhaixiang, I wouldn't know where else to get help."

"Department Director Song, there are many excellent doctors from various hospitals in Bazhaixiang right now. If other people were to find out about what you have just said, we would pretend that we don't know anything about it." Zuo Cidian was not helping out. He merely gave Song Shang a reminder as he stood beside them.

Song Shang chuckled. "It's okay. I'm the one who said it, and whoever doesn't agree with me can argue with me."