Department Director of the General Surgery Department

"Doctor Ling is asking me to operate on a patient?" The department director of the General Surgery Department fixed his gaze on the face before him, which was as wrinkled as a wilted chrysanthemum. It was impossible to tell what was on his mind based on his facial expression.

Zuo Cidian smiled so brightly that all the wrinkles on his face were trembling as he stood before the department director of the General Surgery Department. "Yes, the patient is highly likely to be suffering from right-sided colon cancer. Because the operating theater in Bazhaixiang is not well-equipped enough, Doctor Ling is thinking of transferring the patient to Yun Hua Hospital's General Surgery Department."

"Is it because it's not appropriate for handsome men to perform colorectal surgery?" The department director of the General Surgery Department had a peculiar sense of humor.