Could Not Remain as Calm

The ICU, for most people, this place brought about endless despair.

They would enter the ICU in despair, receive treatment in despair, and hope to get better in despair. They would also be in despair when they see other patients leaving the ICU, as they wished to be in their place.

Young Feng, though, was used to being outside the ICU.

She was holding a large pork trotter and enjoying it. It was as if she was eating a rare culinary delight that was hard to come by. Truth be told, this was her best meal this week. The pork trotter was tender and flavorful, and the tendons could be bitten off in one bite. It was salty and aromatic due to the braised soup.

"If I knew that the hospital is selling pork trotters, I would have bought it every single day." Young Feng was regretting her bad judgment.