
In the records within the Changxi Province, the average time for combined liver and pancreatic radical surgery was more than six hours. 

Ling Ran did it slower, though. 

Over the past half a year, Ling Ran's average surgery time had increased greatly. 

When Ling Ran only had Master Level Hepatectomy skill, the average time of each hepatectomy usually required three hours. If he was fast and the patient's condition was ideal for surgery, he would usually finish removing the liver in one hour. 

After Ling Ran obtained Perfect Level Tissue Separation and as he continued upgrading himself until he obtained Perfect Level Hepatectomy, his surgery time started slowing down at a consistent pace.

That was because the more skills he learned and mastered, the more attention into the details he needed to place. In order to handle the details well, he needed more time.