Roller Coaster

"Every single time, I become stronger after going through loneliness. Every single time, I won't shed a single tear even when I'm hurt…" Tengri sounded like a lost eagle as he sang "Invisible Wings" by Angela Zhang, and his voice was so bad that it was as if Angela Zhang's ankle was stuck in his mouth.

Huo Congjun hummed along joyously, though. until the circulating nurse whipped out his phone and placed it beside his ear.

"Hey, Old Kang. Why did you call me?" Huo Congjun sounded like a wild eagle who encountered a wild rabbit, an illegal tour guide who encountered an illegal tourist or a lousy model who encountered an idiotic rich man's son. He seemed to be very earnest in making small talk.

The nurses and the anesthetist raised their heads to look at Huo Congjun.