Classical Conditioning

In the afternoon, Lu Wenbin returned with Ling Ran after their ward round in the ICU, and he saw several engineers in uniform making measurements at the nurse's desk.

"What's going on?" Lu Wenbin curiously cast a glance before he took the opportunity to lean on the nurse's desk to look around.

"We're getting a bigger ward, or so they say." The young nurse who stayed at the nurse's desk today was a junior nurse who had just joined recently. Her voice was soft and sweet as she talked calmly.

Lu Wenbin's heart raced. 

'Her voice is so good! It's really good!'

Lu Wenbin felt a tug on the tendon in his heart, which had not been tugged for a long time. 

Lu Wenbin looked at the young nurse's face again. Her skin was fair and clean. There was a beauty mole on her right cheek. Where exactly should a beauty mole be, you ask? Lu Wenbin did not know, and he did not care. In other words, to him, a beauty mole was just a mole on a beauty.