Play Around

"Doctor Ling, please explain things to Department Director Huo." Guo Liqing looked at the patient with the bleeding chest and felt that his trustworthiness just took a hit. That was the quality he valued the most.

Guo Liqing was eager to prove how trustworthy he was.

Ling Ran looked over strangely and asked, "Explain which aspect?"

"Explain how you pointed out the location of the trauma when you consulted other departments, especially in the cases where you accurately pointed out the bleeding point..." Guo Liqing spoke a little vaguely for a period of time.

Ling Ran frowned slightly and said, "Was the explanation just now not clear enough?"

Guo Liqing thought to himself. 'You didn't go into detail at all with what you just said.' But before he spoke again, Guo Liqing could not help but stop to ponder, and he suddenly felt that if he said that, he would be digging his own grave.