A Doctor’s Job

As Pei Baoer was wheeled into the operating theater, there were many things on her mind. All of them were fleeting thoughts that came and went.

The thing that had echoed in her mind the most was the joke her best friend made: The tremendously handsome Doctor Ling would be cutting your foot open, fish out your Achilles tendon, and squash it to pieces with his hand…

Due to that, Pei Baoer's imagination ran wild. It was to the point that everything in the operating theater seemed unreal.

The cloth in the operating theater was dark blue.

The curtains in the operating theater were dark green.

The people in the operating theater were...

"Where's Doctor Ling?" Pei Baoer suddenly became a little anxious. She looked around and tried to figure out which mask-covered face belonged to Doctor Ling.

In reality, she could tell based on their body structure that none of them were Doctor Ling.