Unexpected Person

"Titanium clips are more convenient, but in terms of its usage, it still needs to be controlled.

"The location and the seriousness of the liver trauma would directly affect the prognosis of the patient. So, we should choose a treatment method that suits the patient.

"If the hemodynamics is stable, we could choose to suture the damaged blood vessels one by one. However, if the hemodynamics is not stable, we could use the Lembert Suturing Technique to close up the wound…"

Ling Ran lowered his head and looked at his speech draft from time to time. Aside from this, Ling Ran did not do any other unnecessary movement and or add any other unnecessary information in his speech. It was just like any other normal, slightly boring, and dull speech. 

If this were only presented in words and published in a different place, this could be another academic article that few people would read.