
"How many were there on the upper floor watching the surgery just now?" After Ling Ran stepped out of the operating theater, entered the shower room, took a bath, and changed his attire, he asked Zuo Cidian this question when he came over to serve him. 

Zuo Cidian found this slightly strange, but he did not say anything else. He first passed a quick-drying towel to Ling Ran before he answered, "About twenty people. The seats in the visitation room were all full, and there were people who stood." 

"How many young doctors were there who were about the same age as Lu Wenbin?" Ling Ran continued asking.

"A few, I didn't pay much attention. Is there anything wrong? I can get the surveillance video out." Zuo Cidian subconsciously became tense.

Ling Ran waved his hand, and he did not give any further explanation.