Chapter 1037 was not going the usual way

“Determining the size and location of the tumor is a relatively difficult part in the early stage. Because there is no hand feeling under laparoscopy, it is difficult to distinguish the shape of the stromal tumor from that of the normal cells.”Ling ran took some time to perform the surgery, he also had time to pay attention to the condition of ye Sigong and Ren Qi. When the two of them were slightly distracted, he used a question to pull them back. “Can you find the target location now?”

“It’s at the great bend of the forearm.”Ren Qi’s sense of competition was a little stronger than ye Sigong’s. The decision to Blacken Yun Hua Hospital was very competitive in itself.

Ling ran hummed and said, “Point it out.”

Ren Qi, who was holding the mirror, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned the camera slightly. Then, he pointed at the screen and said, “From what I remember, it should be here...”

“Wrong. Look Again.”Ling ran rejected him with just one sentence.