Chapter 1054, My Plan


Early in the morning of the Ling family.

Lu Luo and Di Lan were still sleeping, the great white goose fragrant park was still sleeping, the doctors and nurses on duty were still sleeping, and Ren Qi had already started to wander around the ward.

He first stretched out his left foot, then stretched out his right foot, taking the steps of a human. He first stretched out his left hand, then stretched out his right hand. It was absolutely a turn-by-turn.

There was no one in the corridor. He could walk wherever he wanted.

* Knock Knock * .

“Hello. I’m here for a ward round.”Ren Qi adjusted his white coat with a serious look on his face.

The patient of the general surgery department who was woken up was dumbfounded. He looked at Ren Qi, then at his cell phone. He was not sure which one of them was broken.