There were no buts in chapter 1075

Huo Congjun went straight to the medical technology building and saw that many of the leaders had already arrived on the first floor.

“Director Ma has already entered the PET room. He will be out in about 20 minutes.”Zuo Cidian walked forward and introduced the situation to Huo Congjun.

Huo Congjun pretended to nod heavily and asked, “Has the diagnosis been basically confirmed?”

“The abdomen has been swept and the blood sample report has been released. The diagnosis has been basically confirmed.”Zuo Cidian answered very quickly. Even though the gold standard for liver cancer was still a biopsy, the current results showed that the probability of liver cancer was infinitely high.

Huo congjun heaved a sigh of relief and asked, “What did director Ma say before he went in?”

“He made a few calls but didn’t say anything to us.”Zuo cidian paused for a moment and said, “In name, it was a surprise check-up, so you can’t blame us for not cooperating.”