Chapter 1180, praise

Han Wei wore a hand-washing uniform and looked at everything in the operating theater with some discomfort.

She was actually quite familiar with the environment here. She was even more familiar with the operating theater than some young doctors who had been cleaning the hospital for more than half a year.

However, it was a brand-new experience for Han Wei to stand in the operating theater as a bystander while wearing a hand-washing uniform that did not fit her and was uncomfortable.

At this moment, Han Wei did not know how to describe her feelings... in a flash, Han Wei thought of her first time working in Yun Hua.

The excitement at that time seemed to be similar. However, compared to her personal expectations, the oppression of the city had become a heavier weight.

“Han Wei, stand behind me and come over.”Zuo Cidian waved his hand with a smile and called Han Wei, who was standing by the door.

Han Wei quickly went over and whispered, “I won’t move.”