Chapter 1263: eating fish

“Secret smelly mandarin fish.”The Old Master of the Gu family personally carried the smelly mandarin fish to the table. He also fried other dishes, but the main dish was smelly mandarin fish. He made sauce, braised pork, and spicy dishes, at the same time, he specially introduced, “The smelly mandarin fish that I made are all dry-marinated. The taste is richer than wet-marinated ones, and the meat is also more tender. Doctor Ling, please try it.”

Ling ran took the opportunity to put away his pen. Then, he took the paper off the drawing board. He thought for a moment and passed it to the GU family members beside him. He smiled slightly, he said, “The basic surgical steps and surgical methods are all here. You can use this to consult other doctors, and you should be able to get a more detailed explanation.”

“Okay, okay,”the Gu family members quickly responded.