Chapter 1274 was the reason why people respected him

“Department director Huo’s bed is inside.”The doctor in the ICU pointed at the cubicle inside.

Yun Hua Hospital’s Emergency Medical Center already had its own intensive care unit, but in terms of equipment and other conditions, the old ICU was still better. Therefore, Huo Congjun was sent here.

At this moment, Huo Congjun was surrounded by a pile of machines. His entire body was filled with tubes. He looked very tragic and miserable. If the people of Yun Hua hospital were to describe him like this, Huo Congjun.., he was like a shotgun used during the civil war that was sold to Russia. After going through the russian-turkish War and the two world wars, he entered the museum to be repaired before it was scrapped..

Felix glanced at Jacques and signaled him to come forward.