Chapter 1290 was sold for a good price

“The world’s top doctors are personally attending!”

“The famous American cardiologist, Felix, is personally visiting Yun Hua.”

“In three days’time, I will solve your heart problems. The American expert will bow down and consult you!”

“The world’s best cardiologist is coming to my house. Today is the best time to solve your heart problems!”

Ling Jiezhou dragged many banners home. Not only did he hang them in front of his house, but he also hung them in front of his house.

Tao Ping was a little worried. Looking at Ling Jiezhou busily working, she stuffed a broken longan into his mouth and said, “Isn’t it a little exaggerated? He’s from the world, the United States, and he’s a famous expert!”

“Didn’t my son introduce him before? He is,”ling Jiezhou said confidently. “He was invited by the academician. I think he’s pretty good. He’s not good. The academician can’t spend that money for no reason, don’t you think so?”