Chapter 1322, the test

Patient Jia hesitated for a few seconds. “Maybe...”

“What do you mean by ‘Maybe'and ‘not’? Don’t you want to confirm this first? Do you think the hospital runs a charity Hall? When the time comes, the bill will be longer than your feces. What will you do then?”His wife was so angry that her face was round, she swung her arm and saw a group of people who were not running a charity hall looking at her. So she swung her arm again. “I’m not talking about you guys.”

Zuo cidian smiled and did not say a word.

Although he was good at talking, he knew that at this time, any animal with vocal cords could be dangerous. There was no need to rush to be scolded.

“Did you call?”They continued to urge him.

Patient Jia said helplessly, “I didn’t make it in time.”

“Didn’t you fall and hurt yourself? You’ve already fallen and you still don’t have time to call?”

The patient and doctor on the other side were stunned. After thinking about it carefully, they realized that this was indeed the case.