How Old was chapter 1356

Ling ran and Tian Qi’s dinner was extremely rich. It was basically at the level of slaughtering chickens, sheep, and cows.

Of course, based on the principle that a gentleman should not approach a cook, the few chefs did not work in front of the doctors. Instead, they tidied up the ingredients at the foot of the mountain, including the eight tumors. Then, they brought them over with a pickup truck and cooked them on the spot.

Ling ran and Tian Qi ate very happily. The medical staff on the mountain also shared the big meal. Therefore, even though they prepared a large number of ingredients, everyone still ate them all.

Dong Sheng, who came from afar, finished the last bowl of soup. He patted his stomach and praised, “Doctors really can eat.”

Lu Wenbin often ran with Ling ran, so he was very familiar with Dong Sheng. He picked his teeth and said, “Not only can you eat, you also ate meat just now.”

“I didn’t,”Dong Sheng denied flatly.