There was a portrait in chapter 1434

“He’s coming, he’s coming.”A few girls pushed and shoved each other. They ran from the door to a corner and looked through the glass.

Ling ran’s footsteps were as calm and handsome as ever.

“He should be able to see it, right?”The girls whispered among themselves.

“What if he can’t see it?”

“He should be able to see it.”

Zuo Cidian stood behind the few of them. He looked at the big flower basket that blocked the door. There was also a huge picture of Ling ran on it. He could not help but sigh. If he still could not see it, why would ling ran still need surgery, he could just lie behind the flower basket.

If a few burly men were to do such a thing, Zuo Cidian would have stepped forward to stop them. However, when he saw a few girls who were obviously still students putting out gifts in a star-chasing manner, Zuo Cidian was a little hesitant.

While he was thinking, Ling ran had already walked to the glass door.