Gao Jin Lan's Plan.

5pm, Women's Prison

On the same day, Mei zhen's mother came to visit her daughter at the prison, just as what Wang Yan predicted.

Mei zhen: Mother...Wang Yan came to visit me this morning.

Mother Gao: What else does that bastard wants?!

Mei zhen: It's about Dad's it really failing? He offered to acquire my 15% stakes at 15 million dollars...

Mother Gao: *sigh* your dad is struggling to earn everyone's trust..he haven't been home often.

Mei zhen: I'm sorry mother..i've caused these..

Mother Gao: Don't be silly! The one should apologize is Wang Yan and that cunning woman Ruo Qin!

Mei zhen: i have to sell my shares? I can sell it to other investors right?

Mother Gao: Even if you sell it to won't fetch as high as what that bastard offered..

Mother Gao: ...Mei zhen..i have a plan.

Mei zhen: What plan?

Mother Gao: Tell Wang Yan you will sign the transfership...but on one request, get Ruo Qin to send the agreement to you personally.

Mei zhen's mother had a plan in mind..A spread across her face.

After leaving the prison, she took her cellphone out from her purse.

"I have a job for you. Meet me at the usual." and the call got disconnected.

Gao Jin Lan, what is she up to this time?


5pm, The Aescott

On the other hand, Wang Yan arrived back home with no one in sight at the living hall. He searched for Ruo Qin. At times like this, he hated for living in such a huge apartment.

"What are you doing here?" Wang Yan leaned down and kissed Ruo Qin's cheeks, who got startled by him.

"Um..i..i didn't know you have a library, i was bored so i decided to explore your house" Ruo Qin quickly closed the book, hiding it.

"What are you reading? why so secretive?" Wang Yan raised his eyebrow, filled with curiosity, as he tried to snatch the book from her hands.

'Getting Intimate with Your Lover'

was the title of the book.

Ruo Qin's face was scarlet red, burning from embarrassment. Wang Yan grinned stupidly.

"Do you want to get intimate with me?" Wang Yan asked, slowly closing up the gap between their bodies.

"Th..then..then why do you have this book in your library?! Is there someone in your mind before me?" Ruo Qin refuted and changed the topic.

"These books are refreshed monthly. Renxi usually contact the publishing company and change out the whole collection here. There's various genres here if you realized." Wang Yan pointed to the shelves before shifting his gaze to her.

"You must have been thinking about this since we get back together...." Wang Yan smirked playfully as he pull Ruo Qin into his embrace with his piercing gaze, hinting that he wants all of her tonight.

"Yyan...Mr Renxi!" Ruo Qin shouted, after spotting Renxi at the entrance when he was retreating. Renxi stopped his steps with his eyes widened.

"Sh*t! they saw me!" Renxi muttered to himself, as he realized he just saw a scene that he shouldn't have.

Nonetheless, he took a deep breath and return to the library upon hearing Ruo Qin's call.

"How can i help you Ms Ruo Qin? Do you need me to bring you something?" Renxi asked, trying to avoid eye contact with Wang Yan after realizing he ruined his boss's 'action'.

" yes. can you buy me some fried chicken back? i'm quite hungry." Ruo Qin's request was odd and unusual. She wanted to get out of that intimidating moment from Wang Yan.

Fried Chicken?!

'Fried chicken?! is she hinting boss to get me fried?!' Renxi thought to himself.

"Fried chicken, of course. I will be back in awhile." Renxi picked up his speed and quickly leave the Aescott to buy fried chicken.

Wang Yan stared at Ruo Qin the entire time, with an amused look on his face.

"Fried chicken? Hungry already? Did you purposely say that to drive Renxi away so we could get intimate privately?" Wang Yan doesn't stop teasing her.

"Well actually, i'm hungry too...."

"Hungry for you." Wang Yan sealed his words with a slow, deep kiss that made Ruo Qin's legs went weak.

His strong arms supported her weight and posture, afraid he might hurt her wounds.

Wang Yan came to a gradual stop.

It was their first time experiencing the adrenaline rush in their bodies. Ruo Qin didn't expect Wang Yan have become so....


"Take off your clothes." Wang Yan said.

"Wh..what?? Yan!" Ruo Qin refused to believe his bold statement.

" need to take off to get changed. Daniel, Kris and the guys are heading over here."

Wang Yan chuckled at her embarrassed, blushed face, Ruo Qin gently punched his biceps. "Stop it!" she yelled.

"I always leave the best, for the last." Wang Yan whispered into her ears and winked, before helping her back to get changed in the room.

Wang Yan had the guys to come over instead of going over since Ruo Qin might not be comfortable being outside as she's still recovering.


Couple hours later..

*DING* The elevator doors slide opened.

Daniel: GOOD LORD! This is actually much better than the one at Royal W!

Kris Ler: Hey.....why weren't we invited here before?

Luo Wei:'s Yan's home..he gets to decide who to come duh?

Daniel: C'mon Yan! Ruo Qin was the first to be here?!

Wang Yan: yeah.

Kris Ler: Dan, you have no place in his heart when Ruo Qin is here.

Daniel: Shut up Ler.

Fang Jie: You both are like kids in love. Always bickering. *sigh*

Kris Ler: IN LOVE MY A**! Don't make me puke!

Daniel: Ruo Qin! Feeling better?

Daniel spotted Ruo Qin coming out from the room after she got changed. He tried to rush over to help her after seeing she was walking slightly slower.

"Oi! That's my job. Get back."

Wang Yan grab Daniel's arm and pulled him back, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Do you have to be so protective?! Don't forget i was the man who held her up when she fell at the VIP event when we first met!" Daniel claimed, being proud of himself.

"Yeah, the first and the last time you'll get to touch her hands." Wang Yan scoffed.