Do you have a special relationship

After calming herself inside the comfort room, Zoey made a short detour going to the canteen. She bought a venti size iced americano. There is a saying that no problem can't be solved with a cup of coffee.

The cafe in their building has the same vibe with those famous coffee shops in the metro. After ordering your drink, baristas will ask for your name then when your coffee is ready they gonna yell out your name to say that your coffee is ready to go.

She was already accustomed that Zoey is not a common name to everyone. Rather than giving her name as Zoey is normally saying 'Ella' if she will buy a coffee in a give-me-your-name-and-I-will-yell-it-out-loud-when-it's-ready coffee shops.

"Venti Iced Americano for Ella-Ella-Ella-e-e-ee." Do you remember the popular song Umbrella? The barista actually sang the umbrella part with Zoey's name. Too funny that other customers check who ordered the drink.

Zoey stood up and carried her coffee back to her office.

Soon her day as an accounting officer starts with a bunch of reports and reconciliations to close after the establishment, gatherings and acquisitions happened within the company.

It was lunchtime when Zoey stops encoding digits in her desktop and laptop. Talking about multi-tasking? Zoey is an expert in that field.

Because she isn't close to anyone, she went to the canteen and ordered a meal for herself. She sits on the farthest table of the cafeteria and dwells with her lunch. She missed her friends in Montana, every lunchtime, they went out to each in a restaurant or have a picnic in the garden. But now that she left her friends in Montana, she has to endure eating alone.

Nickel followed her and also ordered his meal. Many female employees wanted to share a table with him, but he dismissed them by looking at them as if saying that 'I want to be alone please find your own seats'.

Compared to him, Zoey allowed male employees to share the table with her. It became an eyesore to him, seeing her around male homo sapiens.

Losing his appetite, Nickel carried her tray in the nearest waste bin and throw his leftover before giving it to the dishwashers. After that, he went back to his office and dialed the HR Officer.

"Liao, can you include a lunch meal for me and Alcantara, deduct it to my salary."

"Director Fuentes is there a problem with the meals in the cafeteria?"

"No, I just saw how many reports does Alcantara need to close before the next month end. I'm afraid she will miss her meals during those days."

Officer Liao is confused about this matter, she thought that maybe Director Fuentes dislike the meals prepared by the cafeteria chefs or maybe he is too busy to go down and fall in line to order his food. But the most confusing thing is that why does he need to include Officer Alcantara with the meal inclusion. Considering that it is all deducted to Director Fuentes.

"Director, may I ask a question?"

Nickel gave her an 'mmm' sound that means he agreed for her possible question.

"Do you and Officer Alcantara have a special relationship?"

He was taken aback with her question, to not sound that he is guilty, he slightly deepens his voice and said.

"If you can help her with all the reports, I will need for the next days I will not add her to my meal inclusion. Say, can you do accounting matters?"

Officer Liao's hated subject of all time is accounting, she has cursed this subject since her high school years, it is her elective subject during her high school-days and minor subject on her university years.

Although accounting is just a minor subject, it acts as a major one with a lot of assignments and requirements to meet.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. I will then add Zoey to the meal inclusion. When will it start Director Fuentes?" Afraid that she will be asked to help Zoey do the reports. She shut her mouth do what he says.

"Tomorrow. Tell her that you forgot to mention it the last time we discuss the contract inclusions. Also, don't mention that it's my idea. If I heard that you told it to her say goodbye to your position."

"Yes, Sir!"

Despite the fact that she takes a liking to Director Fuentes; Officer Liao is greatly terrified to his personality. During the station selection after the party, she hesitated whether to grab the opportunity to share the room with him or find a separate one.

Sharing a room will let her see him every day, but at the same time, her everyday workday will term to hell because of fear.

After the lunch break, Zoey went back to their officer. Seeing that Nickel came back before her, she asked him if he ate his lunch or if he forgets about it.

"I'm still full." He nonchalantly answered her. He didn't even spare her a glance.

It is the first time she saw him acting like time. 'Oh well, we aren't that close to start with perhaps this is his real attitude.' She said to herself.

Zoey took her hygiene bag and went to the comfort room to brush her teeth and retouch her make up.

When she came back to their room, she saw Officer Liao sitting in front of her desk.

"Good afternoon, Officer Liao what can I do to you."

"Just call me May, we're on the same level anyway."

"Okay May."

Zoey proceeds to her chair, and ask May for her concern.

"Zoey, I'm sorry but the last I meet you and Director Fuentes to discuss your inclusions, I forgot to mention that there is a meal exception to the both of you. This request came from..."

Nickel who is just listening while typing on his laptop started to be covered with cold sweats on his back. He is nervous whether May will tell her the truth.

"..... Vice President on Finance, she remembered that most of her employees skip their meals to finish their task. And being in the highest position for accounting, she is afraid that you will do the same too. Central HR decided to add this to your inclusions.

This inclusion will start tomorrow, food will be delivered in your room starting tomorrow."

Zoey was fortunate to be with ASC. Higher ups in the main officer do care for their employees. Therefore, maybe these are the rewards for her hardship in the said corporation.

May also looked at Nickel to see of her pleased her boss for lying to Zoey.

"By the way, have you decided when you will move to your unit?" May recalled that Zoey hasn't set her date when will she move to her own condo unit.

May was actually jealous to all the privileges Zoey and Nickel got from the higher-ups of Sealed Corporation. Thus, she regretted not pursuing a career abroad before.

"Perhaps this weekend? I haven't informed my parents about it. I'll give you a call once I settle it then." Meal inclusion brightens Zoey's mood because she can now save for not buying her own lunch meal.

"Make you set it within this week because Serenity Condominium needs to prepare the property transfer to you.

"Okay then. Thank you, May."


Nickel was listening to their conversation while pretending to be busy on his desk. When May came to their room, he asked her if she is here to tell Zoey what he asked for. May, on the other hand, rushed inclusion contract for Nickel that he agrees to deduct the meal expense for him and Zoey.

When Zoey returned from the comfort room, he forthwith opens Microsoft Word and pretending that he is typing on his laptop.

His fingered work nonsense on his keyboard to look that he is busy and doesn't care about their topic.

When he is assured, that May didn't say a word of his idea he closes his MS Word and pretends to read.

"Have you decided when you will move to your unit?"

He moved earlier to the unit; he heard from the maintenance of the said condominium that the room next to his is still empty.

"Perhaps this weekend?"

He wanted to rejoice, knowing that Zoey will become his neighbor this weekend. He needs to stay at home this weekend!

'I will cancel my plans then' he said to himself.