
"I... d..."

"I don't feel anything, where am I?"

A simple baby in the womb of mother started to questioning where he is and tried to remember what there to remember. After a while baby knows who he was and he remembered that he died but about where he is, he still don't know. Maybe he died when he was religious, he would say he is waiting for judgment about whether he's good or evil but religious period of his life was long ago.

"Maybe it's reincarnation, then am I waiting for my reincarnation..."

While he was not religious person, he still wants some spritual meaning about his life, because he wants to have sense about how he have consciousness and he wants to have meaning in his seemingly meaningless life, while he didn't believe some merciful god which is going to reward him or punish him regarding how good or bad he was, he still believed some rules which maybe he'll go somewhere which some say heaven, hell or another world to reincarnate.

He believed that so he'll have some relief in his life, but there he is still thinking he's waiting for reincarnation while he's in the womb of his mother. After some time passed he start to feel his arms and legs but cannot open his eyes, in this situation his conclusion that he is in a state which he can't do anything at least for a few month.

When he is in this state, he can do nothing but recall all his memories about his previous life, his childhood, highscool, collage and career life, but in his past life nothing but ordinary, he had a job 9 to 5 after that he'd come home and past his time in front of his pc while reading mangas, webnovels or watch some videos, animes or some documentories about human body, cosmos, phisique, philosophie... While he lived a boring life, he was still curious about a lot of things, but again even his death boring, not some you can see one in million by striking lighting or getting eating by sharks but it was by trafic accident while he was going to home from work by his car. He was tired after the work and a bit sleepy, while he was driving in this condition, he noticed some old man on the road, in panic without thinking he turned the steering wheel sharp left after that he doesn't really remember much maybe beacause of adrenalin or something else he just remembers sounds of glass breaking and a sharp pain in stomach. He died without a child, wife or at least a girlfriend.

When he was recalling his past life he's started get impatient about when or where he is going to born, he can say that he is a male and least humanoid by feeling, he read enough light novels, manga and webnovels that protagonist born monster, animal, elf or beastman. He's imagining maybe in this world there is magic, qi or something like that supernatural, or there isn't something like that at all and he's going to be born in same world, but at least he has wisdom that'll make him diffrent and give him a much better starting point.


As time pass he's getting more and more impatient, and the state he is in start feel like a torture try to imagine there is no light, no room to move or at least anything make time pass. One those moment he's trying to move and thinking, no it was not thinking it's more like sarcastic rage in brain "Oh lady I'll be really good son so can you help me lady please I am begging you please sh*t me already will you" and he kicked whatever he can kick.


In the room where a beautiful young looking lady in her green dress sitting and attend by servants made a soft "oh" and touch her stomach which indicate that she is pregnant and said with a soft smile "oh my little rascal you're energetic aren't you." one of the servants hearing that said to the lady "Matriach, is young master started to move? " after asking she caught a glimpse to the smile with other servants, they became dumbfounded while thinking "Being a mother really changes someone, even Ice Goddess of Hain Clan started to smile"

"Yes, maybe after hearing divination about him he became impatient."

After saying that, young lady who is named Sonia smiled more joyfully, and servants also started bootlicking that how young master going to be one of million genuis and how awe-inspiring he'll become. Unknown to them the little baby throwing tantrum and swearing which you don't expect from an heir of a great power.
